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Army programs


StandWithUs High School Interns are required to fulfil the following:

  • Attend internship orientation in Spring 2022.

  • Attend the StandWithUs High School Internship Conference in Los Angeles, CA (July 31 - August 4, 2022) 

  • Attend the StandWithUs International Conference: Israel In Focus in Los Angeles, CA during Spring 2023. 

  • Impact their local schools and communities through 4 empowering educational programs and initiatives 

  • Educate and raise awareness about antisemitism affecting our community

  • Attend 2 virtual meetings a month - the Continuing Education Seminar & the Mentorship Meeting 

  • Become an expert in a topic of their choice related to Israel or antisemitism

Recognition of Exemplary StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal Interns:

  • Priority access to StandWithUs speakers, grants, and materials

  • Opportunities to be featured at national conferences and community programs

  • A chance to win a $500 stipend toward their next trip to Israel

College Credit:

  • Leventhal Interns may elect to earn three (3) college credits from Gratz College for successful participation in the program. 

  • In addition to satisfactory completion of all of the participation requirements of the StandWithUs High School Internship, students enrolled in the course are required to:

  1. Write a reflection piece on the breakout sessions attended at the StandWithUs High School Internship Conference.

  2. Write a reflection piece on breakout sessions attended at the StandWithUs International Conference: Israel In Focus

  3. Write a 5 page term paper on an aspect of Israel. 

  4. Pay tuition to Gratz College for 3 college credits. 


Q: Do I need to be Jewish to participate in the StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal High School Internship?

A: No, you do not. You must have demonstrated your leadership and commitment to making an impact in your community, but by being nominated, you have been recognized by someone in your community as a leader, so you probably don’t need to worry about this.


Q: Do I need to have been to Israel to participate in the StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal High School Internship?

A: While a trip to Israel is always a fantastic way to be a primary source of information about Israel and to be able to see the realities on the ground, it is not a requirement of the internship.


Q: Do I need to have my references send letters of recommendation with my application?

A: Let your references know that they may be contacted if we need additional information about you as an applicant, but that they do not need to send letters of recommendation.

Q: What are the chances that I’ll get accepted into the program?

A: It is hard to answer this question, since this is a highly selective internship. We do our best to accept the right applicants into the program, but for various reasons we can’t guarantee that you will be.  We recommend participating in the StandWithUs Teen Leadership Council and staying connected to StandWithUs in your region in order to develop a strong application for the following year. 


Q: If I am not accepted into the internship, can I still be involved?

A: Of course! StandWithUs is here to support ALL students who want to develop as leaders and make an impact in their community. We are happy to help you develop empowering programs and create initiatives in your schools and local communities, start an Israel club at your school, provide you with mentorship and materials for your programs, and connect you with other like-minded students in your region. We’d be happy to keep you involved in whatever way you would like! We’ll send you more information about our StandWithUs Teen Leadership Council program to start!


Q: What is the cost associated with participation in the internship?

A: The internship is 100% free! We pay for all your flights/conference fees. In addition, we provide you with the materials/support/funding in order to plan and implement successful Israel programs for your friends and peers. You and your parents should not have to spend a dime in order for you to participate in the internship.


Q: Can I get college credit for this program?

A: Yes! Interns may elect to earn college credits for successful completion of the Internship requirements and completion of a couple of extra assignments. Accepted students will receive information about this opportunity upon acceptance into the program.

Q: Can I get community service hours or volunteer credits for the internship for my school?

A: We are happy to work with your school and with your teachers to make sure that you can count this internship as community service hours or volunteer credits. Please be in touch with your StandWithUs coordinator to work out the details.


Q: Can I include this on my résumé for college?

A: Absolutely! This internship is a perfect way to show colleges that when you have a passion for something (Israel), you act on it and do everything in your power to ensure that your passion has turned into an action. You can even receive college credit for completion of the internship. If need be, you may contact your StandWithUs coordinator for a letter of recommendation as well.


Q: How long does the internship last?

A: The internship begins in August at the fall training conference and spans the entire school year until the beginning of June.


Q: On average, how many hours a week will I need to dedicate to the internship?

A: On average, you should probably set aside two hours a week for the internship. There may be a week where you are planning on running a program and you will need to designate more time to prepare for the program (with your StandWithUs coordinator’s help), and there may be a week where you have very little going on and you will spend less time.


Q: Can I balance this internship with a demanding course load at school?

A: This is entirely up to you and how well you can manage your time, but we will help you develop this skill set if this is an area you want to grow in. If you are incredibly committed to the internship and getting everything out of it that you possibly can, you will have to put in some time (see above question). 


Q: Are the conferences kosher/shomer Shabbat-friendly?

A: All StandWithUs conferences are ALWAYS 100% glatt kosher and 100% shomer Shabbat. While students are not expected to keep Shabbat during their free time at the conferences, we ask that everyone respect the public places and keep Shabbat while outside of the bunks/in common areas.


Q: Are the conferences mandatory?

A: Yes, both conferences are mandatory and must be attended. We do make certain exceptions in extenuating circumstances but recommend that in order to get the most out of the internship program, you attend as much of both of the conferences as possible. If you have specific questions about your conflict, speak to your regional StandWithUs High School professional or email


Q: Who should my programs and initiatives impact?

A: Ideally, first and foremost, other high school students. You choose the setting and goals for the programs, and then work closely with your StandWithUs professional to work out the details.


Q: What if an anti-Israel or antisemitic incident happens in my school or in my community?

A: We can help you! Please set up a meeting with your regional StandWithUs high school professional or email to get connected. We will never publish or take action on any incident without your written consent.

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