(West Palm Beach, FL -- October 8, 2019) -- The Night concert, a tribute to the late Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Elie Wiesel and his Holocaust memoir "Night"and the music of acclaimed Jewish composer and cantor Leib Glantz, is making its North America debut at the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts in West Palm Beach on November 20, with two performances at 2:30 and 7:30 pm.
The Palm Beach Symphony Orchestra will be conducted under Maestro Joseph Ness, who recomposed and orchestrated Leib Glantz’s Liturgical music into the classical music genre. Vocal Master Prof. Patricia Fleitas leads the "Night" Choral ensemble with more than 100 classical singers and instrumental soloists including students from the area.
The “Night Holocaust Project” is produced, hosted and staged by The Non-Profit L.G. Holocaust Project, Inc. whose goal is to educate the public, and the young in particular, about the horrors of the Holocaust, in order to combat anti-Semitism and all forms of racism and violence. Dr. Jerry Glantz, son of the late Leib Glantz, is the Director.
StandWithUs/Southeast is sponsoring this evening against Hate. Based in Boca Raton and serving the southeast region, SWU/SE is a chapter of the 18 year-old international non-profit, non-partisan Israel education organization that inspires people of all ages and backgrounds to challenge misinformation and fight antisemitism.
The concert is a tribute to the late Elie Wiesel (1928-2016), who survived the Auschwitz death camp at age 15 and became a world-renowned author, scholar and lecturer about the Holocaust, and a tribute to the cantor and composer Leib Glantz (1898-1964), considered one of the great cantors of all time. The International Advisory Board of the Project includes 46 prominent individuals from many countries, all recognized for their commitment to combating antisemitism and other crimes against humanity.
Dr. Jerry Glantz, Director of the “Night Holocaust Project” shared that, “Although the theme of the concert is based on the images and memories of the Holocaust, the intention is to to raise awareness of the dangers of Hate. Hate can lead to violence which can eventually lead to genocides, as we have learned from the Holocaust and many other massacres that history has witnessed. The concert is a call to unity in the face of rising antisemitism, violence and all crimes of hate.”
Sara Gold Rafel, executive director of StandWithUs/Southeast explained the importance of its involvement, "SWU's mission is to educate about Israel and fight antisemitism, and works primarily with middle and high schools as well as universities. In light of recent antisemitic events including Holocaust denial at a local school, it is imperative that students and educators learn about this horrific atrocity, and especially at this time of rising antisemitism. Who better for them to hear from, than the brilliant Elie Weisel, with beautiful, inspiring music?"
The first two concerts of the series were performed in Russia and Lithuania in January 2019 before thousands to great public and critical acclaim and were sponsored by the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Government of Germany. On January 27, 2020, the UN International Day of Holocaust Remembrance, the concert will be held in Hanover, Germany and on Holocaust Remembrance Day, April 20, in Tel Aviv, Israel
The Raymond F. Kravis Center for the Performing Arts is located at 701 Okeechobee Boulevard in West Palm Beach, 33401
Tickets range from $30 to $175 and may be purchased at Kravis.org/Events/NightConcer
Or call the boxoffice, 561.832.7469l
For more information, visit: TheNightHolocaustProject.com
For more information about SWU/SE visit: www.standwithus.com/southeast or call the office at: 561-961-0752