December 27, 2022
After being previously condemned for these comments made about the Holocaust, Whoopi Goldberg reiterated them in a new interview by The Sunday Times of London, saying the Holocaust "wasn't originally about race." She added, "It doesn’t change the fact that you could not tell a Jew on a street. You could find me, you couldn’t find them."
In this interview with NBC News, Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs suggests that Whoopi Goldberg get an education about Hitler and the Nazi ideology, so she can stop being careless and can better educate others. Whoopi renewed her incendiary assertion: "The Holocaust wasn’t about race." "But it was," states Roz Rothstein. "The Nazis (and neo-Nazis) were and are white supremacists. Their intention was to destroy the Jews and ensure purity of the 'Aryan race."
Watch the segment here.