For more information and interviews, please contact Sarri Singer or Ran Fuchs at info@votekolyisrael.com.
January 21, 2020
World Zionist Supreme Court Intervention Enables the Zionist "Dream Team" to Run in 2020 World Zionist Court Elections
Kol Yisrael, an exciting new slate led by StandWithUs and the Israeli American Council, the two fastest growing Zionist organizations in the world, has been cleared by the Zionist Supreme Court to officially run in the U.S. elections for the 38th World Zionist Congress.
Stacked with slate members who are affiliated with a who’s who of dynamic Zionist organizations like AEPi, the Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot, Council of Young Jewish Presidents, Strength to Strength, and Migdal Ohr, Kol Yisrael is seeking to ignite renewed interest and spark innovation in the American Zionist movement, a movement that has seen its numbers dwindling at an alarming rate. Ignorance and apathy in the Jewish community create the perfect breeding ground for the boycott (BDS) anti-Israel movement to flourish. In the face of rising antisemitism, often cloaked as anti-Zionism, rejuvenating Zionism in the 21st century is more important than ever.
The delegates running for Congress on the Kol Yisrael slate are talented, passionate, and experienced leaders with proven track records in activating, building, and engaging American Zionists across the political and religious divides. Leveraging a 21st-century toolkit, skill set, and outlook, Kol Yisrael is in the business of engaging and nurturing Jews into Zionists!
Kol Yisrael is an independent slate that represents a coming of age of Zionist entrepreneurship and renewal—capable of infusing the world Zionist movement with dynamism and innovation after decades of shrinking numbers.
Here is KY's platform and slate:
The World Zionist Congress is responsible for overseeing Zionist institutions like the World Zionist Organization, JAFI, and JNF, which collectively allocate $1 billion to various projects each year. Kol Yisrael wants those Jewish resources to go further by reaching and inspiring every community that wants to connect with Zionism so we may build the next cadre of Zionists. Kol Yisrael is here to create an exciting, new movement that will revitalize Zionism by building capacity and creating the Zionists of tomorrow.
Voting will take place between January 21 and March 11. During this period, people can go to ZionistElection.org and help make the dream of a rejuvenated Zionist movement a reality by voting for the Kol Yisrael slate, number #14!
Naty Saidoff (Businessman, Chair of the Israel American Council, and international philanthropist whose family foundation is the main supporter of the work of StandWithUs): "The mission of building the Israeli–American Jewish relationship is too important for us to stand on the sidelines. A group of us decided that we needed to take action. This new slate will pursue policies that enrich the U.S.–Israel connection.”
Esther Renzer (co-Founder and International President of StandWithUs): “StandWithUs has been pioneering Israel education and fighting antisemitism for over 18 years. At this critical juncture in American–Israeli relations, we are excited by the potential of our strong, unified coalition’s participation in the World Zionist Congress, 120 years after Theodor Herzl shared his vision. Our Kol Yisrael slate is looking forward to bringing fresh ideas and new energy to this historic movement, an important piece of our collective Jewish future. I am confident that Kol Yisrael will be a strong, positive force for Zionism in the USA.”
Sarri Singer (Founder and Director, Strength to Strength and Director, Office of Career Services at Touro College):“The time has come to provide millennials and younger generations with what they need to be proud Zionists and activists for Israel. This new slate will provide the platform for innovative ideas and programs that will bring about this change. Anyone who wants to do their part in restoring Zionism, Israel, and the Jewish people to their rightful place in the United States must vote for Kol Yisrael.”
Roz Rothstein (co-Founder and CEO of StandWithUs for the last 18 years): “Voters have our word that as an independent, non-partisan, non-denominational slate, Kol Yisrael will represent all Zionists and put the funds and resources available through the WZO to work for all of us. We must proactively educate, inspire, and promote Zionist causes while actively combating anti-Zionism and antisemitism in the USA.”
Ran Fuchs (Board Member, Israeli American Council and Head of Capital Markets at IDB Capital): “For over 3,800 years, our ancestors fought for the creation of the state of Israel. For the last 72 years, the Jewish people have been fighting to make sure that the Zionist dream survives. Now, in the third wave of Zionism, Zionism 3.0, it is time to dedicate resources to once again inspire and empower the Jews of the Diaspora.”
For more information and interviews, please contact Sarri Singer or Ran Fuchs at info@votekolyisrael.com.