75 years of
Repairing the World
For 75 years, Israelis have faced numerous challenges, including war, terrorism, economic hardship, and supporting hundreds of thousands of immigrants and refugees - all in a land with few natural resources. Israelis responded by developing innovative solutions which allowed them to build a thriving country despite these harsh conditions. In sharing its advancements with others, Israel has become a global leader in humanitarian aid. Today, Israel uses its technology and know-how to save lives during emergencies worldwide, from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the February 2023 earthquake in Turkey and Syria, and Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.
Development Assistance
Founded in 1958, the Israel Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV) assists developing nations with environmental, educational, developmental, and emergency preparedness programs. MASHAV conducts 300 courses for emerging nations annually and has trained over 270,000 participants in over 140 countries, from Albania to Zimbabwe.

Repairing the World
Educational Assistance
The Rwanda Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village opened in 2008 as a home for Rwandan children orphaned by that country’s genocide. Modeled after Yemin Orde, an Israeli youth village for orphans from the Holocaust, Agahozo-Shalom is home to 500 young Rwandans every year, and has sent its graduates to universities across the country and world.

Repairing the World
Aiding Victims of the Syrian Civil War
In 2016, Israel launched Operation Good Neighbor to provide humanitarian aid and medical assistance to Syrians impacted by the country’s civil war. Thousands of Syrian civilians crossed the border to receive medical treatment in field hospitals, and even in Israeli hospitals. Several Syrian babies were born in Israeli hospitals during the Operation.

Repairing the World
Emergency Aid for Victims of Natural Disasters
Israelis have been among the first to provide life-saving emergency aid to victims of many natural disasters around the world, including the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, 2013 typhoon in the Philippines, Hurricane Maria which hit Puerto Rico in 2017, and the devastating 2023 earthquake in Turkey and Syria.