Fabricated Zionist Quotes

A common tactic used by anti-Zionist writers, academics, and activists is to falsify, distort, misattribute, and decontextualize quotes by Zionist leaders.
FALSIFIED – David Ben Gurion never wrote, “We must expel the Arabs and take their places.” In fact, he wrote the opposite: “We do not want and do not need to expel the Arabs and take their places. All our aspiration is built on the assumption – proven throughout all our activity – that there is enough room in the country for ourselves and the Arabs.”[i]
DISTORTED – Ehud Barak’s full statement was: “If we thought that instead of 200 Palestinian fatalities, 2000 dead would put an end to the fighting at a stroke, we would use much more force. But in our opinion the opposite is true…”[ii] By omitting the second part of Barak’s statement the MSU completely distorts its meaning and intent.
MISATTRIBUTED – Ariel Sharon never made the statement starting with, “It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion…” The statement was written by an Israeli journalist in 1972.[iii]
[i] Dexter Van Zile, “University of Exeter Gives Pappe a Pass on Invented Ben-Gurion Quote,” CAMERA, February 3, 2012, at http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_context=2&x_outlet=118&x_article=2188; Benny Morris, “Quoting Ben Gurion: An Exchange,” Commentary, December 7, 2011, at http://www.commentarymagazine.com/2011/12/07/ben-gurion-herzl-quotes-morris-rubin/
[ii] Avigdor Haselkorn, “Martyrdom: The Most Powerful Weapon,” LA Times, December 3, 2000, at http://articles.latimes.com/2000/dec/03/opinion/op-60477
[iii] Anthony Julius, “False Confessions: how Anti-Zionists Incriminate Zionism,” Z Word, November, 2008, at http://www.z-word.com/uploads/assets/documents/ZWord_Julius3_pgaRoTsA.pdf; Alan Nasser, “Hamas: What It Is, What It Wants, and What Israel Makes of It,” MR Zine, December 1, 2009, at http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2009/nasser120109.html
In Memoriam:
Victims of Palestinian Terror March 2002
This list does not include the names of the 299 Israeli victims, almost entirely civilians, murdered in Palestinian terror attacks between September 27, 2000 to February 28, 2002, nor the over 1,200 other Israeli victims of terrorism since.
Ya’acov Avni, 20
Moshe Dayan, 46
Shlomo Nehmad, 40
Gafnit Nehmad, 32
Shiraz Nehmad, 7
Liran Nehmad, 3
Shaul Nehmad, 15
Lidor Ilan, 12
Oriah Ilan, 18 months
Tzofia Ya’arit Eliyahu, 23
Ya’akov Avraham Eliyahu, 7 months
Avi Hazan, 37
Ariel Hovav, 25
David Damelin, 29
Rafael Levy, 42
Avraham Ezra, 38
Eran Gad, 24
Yochai Porat, 26
Kfir Weiss, 24
Sergei Butarov, 33
Vadim Balagula, 32
Didi Yitzhak, 66
Steven Koenigsburg, 19
Salim Barakat, 33
Yosef Habi, 52
Eli Dahan, 53
Devorah Friedman, 45
Maharatu Tagana, 85
Arik Krogliak, 18
Tal Kurtzweil, 18
Asher Marcus, 18
Eran Picard, 18
Ariel Zana, 18
Avia Malka, 9 months
Israel Yihye, 27
Limor Ben-Shoham, 27
Nir Borochov, 22
Danit Dagan, 25
Livnat Dvash
Tali Eliyahu, 26
Uri Felix, 25
Dan Imani, 23
Natanel Kochavi
Baruch Lerner, 29
Orit Ozerov, 28
Avraham Haim Rahamim, 28
Eyal Lieberman, 42
Yehudit Cohen, 33
Ofer Kanarick, 44
Alexei Kotman, 29
Lynne Livne, 49
Atara Livne, 15
German Rozhkov, 25
Noa Auerbach, 18
Michael Altfiro, 19
Shimon Edri, 20
Meir Fahima, 40
Aharon Revivo, 19
Alon Goldenberg, 28
Mogus Mahento, 75
Bella Schneider, 53
Gadi Shemesh, 34
Tzipi Shemesh, 29
Yitzhak Cohen, 48
Esther Klieman, 23
Avi Sabag, 24
Major Cengiz Soytunc
(Turkish member of the TIPH observer force in Hebron)
Catherine Berruex
(Swiss member of the TIPH observer force in Hebron)
Shula Abramovitch, 63
David Anichovitch, 70
Avraham Beckerman, 25
Shimon Ben-Aroya, 42
Andre Fried, 47
Idit Fried, 47
Miriam Gutenzgan, 82
Ami Hamami, 44
Perla Hermele, 79
Dvora Karim, 73
Michael Karim, 78
Yehudit Korman, 70
Marianne Lehmann Zaoui, 77
Lola Levkovitch, 85
Furuk Na’imi, 62
Eliahu Nakash, 85
Irit Rashel, 45
Yulia Talmi, 87
Sivan Vider, 20
Ernest Weiss, 79
Eva Weiss, 75
Meir (George) Yakobovitch, 76
Anna Yakobovitch, 78
Chanah Rogan, 92
Zee’v Vider, 50
Alter Britvich, 88
Frieda Britvich, 86
Sarah Levy-Hoffman, 89
Rachel Gavish, 50
David Gavish, 50
Avraham Gavish, 20
Yitzhak Kanner, 83
Tuvia Wisner, 79
Michael Orlinsky, 70
Rachel Levy, 17
Haim Smadar, 55
Suheil Adawi, 32
Dov Chernevroda, 67
Shimon Koren, 55
Ran Koren, 18
Gal Koren, 15
Moshe Levin, 52
Danielle Manchell, 22
Orly Ofir, 16
Aviel Ron, 54
Ofer Ron, 18
Anat Ron, 21
Ya’akov Shani, 53
Adi Shiran, 17
Daniel Carlos Wegman, 50
Carlos Yerushalmi, 52