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How to make your
StandWithUs Planned Gift
Your personal involvement is needed for your family,
for your community, for Israel, and for the Jewish people.
By deciding to leave a bequest in your will or trust of a specific amount of cash or a specific percentage of your assets, you can create a permanent legacy. There is no limit on the amount you may set aside from your estate: you can make a gift as large or small as you prefer. You may choose to make a gift of cash, securities, or other property. The size of your taxable estate will be reduced by the value of your gift.
Life insurance is an excellent tool for making charitable gifts for a number of reasons. You can designate StandWithUs Planned Giving as the beneficiary of a new or existing policy, thereby providing an "amplified" gift that enables you to create a legacy on an installment plan. Through a relatively small annual cost (the premium), a far greater benefit than otherwise possible can be provided for charity. This sizeable gift can be made without impairing or diluting the control of a family business or other investments. All other assets earmarked for family members can be kept intact. If you irrevocably designate StandWithUs as the beneficiary or owner, the amount of premium you pay each year is an income tax deduction.
If you are over the age of 70 ½, your retirement assets can now provide and benefit StandWithUs and its educational programs in a tax-advantaged way. The IRA Charitable Rollover now allows charitable donations to be made directly from your IRAs to StandWithUs for up to $100,000. If you and your spouse are both 70 ½, you may each be eligible to make such a gift. This type of donation can also be used to satisfy your annual Required Minimum Distribution amount.
Make An Outright Gift By Donating Cash, Securities, Real Estate Or Personal Property
A current gift of cash or other property to StandWithUs Planned Giving can establish a permanent endowment during your lifetime that will make distributions to StandWithUs and allow StandWithUs to continue its important work to educate middle school, high school, and college students and communities about Israel and to also help fight antisemitism. The fair market value of a gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Additionally, capital gains in appreciated securities are waived.
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